This lecture-based workshop allows teachers the opportunity to explore things exactly as the Ministry of Education intended. The Compare & Contrast workshop features two of our amazing instructors who each represent an early society (chosen by the teacher(s) booking the session). Students will get to explore areas such as daily life, social structure, environment, culture, military advancement and technology as well as the impact on history for each civilization. Then participants will get the chance to compare and contrast the two societies and draw their own conclusions.
The presentation of the two early societies will be done utilizing videos, multimedia elements as well as artifact exploration and physical education activities. The workshop culminates with the instructors donning accurate reproduction armour and doing a historical martial arts demonstration.
Here are the early societies you can choose from:
• Mesopotamia
• Indus Valley Societies (Ancient India)
• Egypt
• China
• Greece
• Societies of the Mediterranean (Phoenicians, Persians, Hittites, Nubians, Etruscans, Judea)
• Mesoamerica (Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, etc.)
• First Nations of North America
• Rome
• Japan
• Vikings
• Barbarians of the Middle Ages (Saxons, Celts, Franks, etc.)
Please fill out the form below and click the link at the bottom to get a price quote and start the process of solidifying a booking.
The presentation of the two early societies will be done utilizing videos, multimedia elements as well as artifact exploration and physical education activities. The workshop culminates with the instructors donning accurate reproduction armour and doing a historical martial arts demonstration.
Here are the early societies you can choose from:
• Mesopotamia
• Indus Valley Societies (Ancient India)
• Egypt
• China
• Greece
• Societies of the Mediterranean (Phoenicians, Persians, Hittites, Nubians, Etruscans, Judea)
• Mesoamerica (Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, etc.)
• First Nations of North America
• Rome
• Japan
• Vikings
• Barbarians of the Middle Ages (Saxons, Celts, Franks, etc.)
Please fill out the form below and click the link at the bottom to get a price quote and start the process of solidifying a booking.